Update, Giga inferno, builder base, and more – Clash of Clans Review

Update - update is okay. Super troops are kinda lame. Not a fan of housing change and not a fan of losing the original troop so donations are messed up. Also, don’t just copy builder base troops. The 22 hrs on clock tower cd is a bit much. I’m not getting the icon letting me know of new chat when I log in like I used to. The removal of builder hall troop training time and battle machine healing time is nice. Of course it’s going to turn into a very high leaderboard. Could you do something similar to town hall as well. You keep adjusting costs but how about reducing heal times for heroes and streamlining training times. They are better than what they were when each barracks was separate but when one base is no time and the other still takes 45 minutes, kinda annoying. The giga inferno looks puny. Could you make the inferno ball on top bigger and maybe give people the choice to make it a single target inferno. Builder base has funky targeting still. Also really hate when my troops freeze for about a half second every time a tesla pops up but their defenses don’t pause. So a hog rider will literally hover because of a tesla on the other side of the base causing it to get shot down when it could have hit its target. Or the battle machine stopping its swing mid attack just to reset it. If you continue to do that, fine but make the defenses pause attacking too. Warden needs to stop putting himself in between defenses and the troops he is following. All he does is get picked off making him useless. Half the time he tries to attack but doesn’t because the building is take out before he can get a shot off and since he’s following, he won’t take a shot at a building that they are not focused on. Find new members section needs work. Allow us to have more options in the search like hero level, war stars, and whether or not they are in a league. Maybe we have an option to turn off search for those in a clan because people don’t bother to turn that off. Maybe add an option in an individual’s profile to specify country so those looking for people can filter out where people are which is helpful for communicating and time zones.
Review by Stratigery33 on Clash of Clans.

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WhiteRptideHWD(actual player)
