VIP or nothing – SongPop Classic - Music Trivia Review

Basically, you are punished for not having VIP.. It's one thing to get non stop ads, it's a whole nuther thing To have ads pop up that won't close... Even when you accept and go to the download stage of that product just to even dismiss it. I would say to everybody>>> dont support the ads that are on here. If you think you like a game, just go directly to the store to download it. And customer service on here? It's never existed.. The entities that own this game are simply about the money and making more of it. They have enough people on here that don't mind paying the five bucks a month. And not having customer service?.. It's never existed here in the several years I've been on & off. That they don't need to address anybody's whining. They have plenty of players who just shut up and pay the $5.
Review by venniethedj on SongPop Classic - Music Trivia.

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