Really creative, really helpful – Perspective Cards Review

For friends who don’t know where they stand, this is a great resource to talk them through their options. Having clarity around perspectives is the first step to having meaningful discussions around why they believe what they believe and how it is different from a Christian worldview. If I could propose three improvements to the app, it would be 1) how to approach someone who starts from a “non-Christian” reference point and what to say to them to get them to consider the inadequacy of their perspective compared to the Christian perspective. And 2) it would be helpful to take all these labels and the generate possible “camps” that people fall into: (i.e. “you believed these five things, that means you’re probably a Mormon”). 3) there should be a way to make this app “facilitator free”—for example, I might text the app to my friend and the user experience should make it easy for my friend to “play the game” by himself or herself. Well done! I bought two decks of the physical cards after seeing the concept, because these are wonderful for conversations.
Review by zcochran88 on Perspective Cards.

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