Eh – FrameCast - Animation Studio Review

Hello! I’m back once again to lay some major complaints on this app! I’m that irritated you managed to bring me back for a new review! 1. Fix the videos, I’m so sick of posting WIPs in my portfolio. IT WASTES TIME AND THE STUPID 10 ANIMATION LIMIT! 2. FIX THE DANG REDO AND UNDO BUTTON! I’m so irritated with how it only works ONCE, who the actual hell wouldn’t get the slightest bit thrown off just from this one SIMPLE thing! Also, that undo button could delete everything if you tap it two times really fast AND it just takes out certain layers FOR NO REASON! I have to put a layer on the top all the dang time because of that, it’s so freaking annoying! 3. LET US BE WITH YOUR WORD RESTRICTIONS! You can’t talk like a normal human being anymore this app is full of teenagers and young adults at this point and some 8 year olds that are under cover. I can’t say “balls”, “he’ll”, “queer”, or “y’eed”. Like what’s next? I can’t say “dog”? 3. Welcome to FrameCast, the worlds worst attempt at an 8-bit art maker! I’m kinda ticked about this one; however, it isn’t as big of an inconvenience as the others. It is incredibly annoying though. 4. Permanently banned users with accounts that have been linked with them or something. I want to unfollow so many people because they have been permanently banned and there are also siblings who share devices and sign in on their accounts. It isn’t really fair that someone innocent gets permanently banned for nothing or that the users alternate account hasn’t been deleted. I don’t feel like talking more, but the app has downgraded itself. I only stay for the people at this point, I mostly post art in my photos now because of how terrible it is. Why think about things like live-streams or live drawings when we still haven’t even gotten a redo/undo button fixed AND lose our ability to watch videos. I’m not trying to be rude Mr. Cota and I understand you have worked hard, but the community has been dying from terrible formatting and now the age restriction (I know it’s the law and you can’t be blamed for it because it isn’t your fault, but 75% of Framecast were kids under the age of 13. It’s just the other reason it is dying). Just fix these small problems and maybe add something small and simple like an account description or a friending list?
Review by LavenderNose on FrameCast - Animation Studio.

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Righteous lady

This is a great app but...