Needs improvements – 360 Writer - Voice Recorder Review

I subscribed to the monthly transcription fee. It’s not much really. $5.99. Except every time I order a transcription, they charge me a fee. I’m pretty sure I’m being taken for a ride here. Once I accidentally pushed the button for “human transcription and it cost thirty something dollars and it took a week. Heck, I could have done it in a week! That’s why I pay for it to be done for me. That brings me to the quality of transcription. It’s pretty nonsensical when I get my transcriptions. Then it’s pretty difficult to find the right way to download it and send it to my wireless printer. It almost does what it’s supposed to do for way more than I agreed to pay and here I am using it anyway. I hate it and for now it is all I have to use. It’s like using dial up.
Review by Manningmlee on 360 Writer - Voice Recorder.

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