Flaws – Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation Review

The game is ok, but there’s lots of problems with it. One, multiplayer is extremely slow and basically a waste of your time. Two, a lot of the campaign decks use the same broken cards (mirror force, dark hole, dimensional prison, fiendish chain, etc), making it annoying and uncreative. Three, some of the campaign decks also use forbidden cards, which you’re not allowed to use (game basically cheats), also making it annoying and not fun. Lastly, sometimes the shop will give you forbidden cards. If I can’t use it, I don’t want it! Also, the game will ask you constantly if you want to activate a card effect, and you’ll end up forgetting to do something because it’s annoying you. Also, a glitch in the game is happens when you quit a CPU duel too many times. You’ll keep drawing into the same hand you couldn’t win with before, therefore trapping you in a losing cycle. Also, the CPU draws into the same hand too. The game also so happens to draw into the EXACT card it needs every single time, making game play annoying and unrealistic. Also in multiplayer, you’re often up against someone who is way out of your rank, so you have to restart the game several times until you get someone who is. This game needs some serious adjustments
Review by fling152 on Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Generation.

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Needs work