How to boost you anxiety and waste your money – Zooba: Zoo Battle Royale Games Review

When I started playing this game, I loved it!. I was hooked as the idea and graphics of the game as well as the characters each having different abilities and weapons was awesome. However, I’m struggling to get the motivation to even start the game. Why? Pay to win. I’m not talking about a slight advantage, I mean I feel like you LITERALLY cannot win unless you remortgage the house or sell a kidney. At level 5 you get paired up with level 11 and 12 because pairing is apparently based on "trophies" not levels and the only way to level up is to pay actual money to get game gems (which real life gems are actually cheaper and of more worth) This of course is other than the fact that there are some "players" with the same level and character yet with longer life dashes. Definitely do not recommend ??
Review by aaylk on Zooba: Zoo Battle Royale Games.

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