Family-friendly puzzler – Hidden World Review

I am a fan of the Fire Maple games. Hidden World benefits from the forethought that went into making the puzzles fit in with the story, which the developers seem to get better at with each release. The puzzles themselves are at a medium level of difficulty; just hard enough to make you think, but far from exasperating. I also appreciate how the developers spent time creating clever, organic puzzles that avoid employing the lazy tropes (slider puzzles, combination lock puzzles, tiny hidden objects, finding/using items that make no sense in the story/environment) that many of the games in the genre fall back on. This game, like all of Fire Maple’s games, is a welcome relief from the gloomy, creepy settings and atmosphere in most of the games in this genre. The music is pleasant and the visuals are colorful, which makes for a stress-free, family-friendly, puzzle-solving experience. The journal and the map are useful features, as well. Overall, this is a nice, calm way to spend a few hours, and scratch that puzzling itch. It doesn’t quite measure up to the Room and House of DaVinci games, but it’s a decent approximation.
Review by Kroz Hog on Hidden World.

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