Bugs N’ Suggestions – Chuzzle 2 Review

Dearest game devs, thank you so much for making a sequel to a game from my childhood I nearly forgot about! There are quite a few graphical glitches and minor bugs in the game as well. Primarily with the Piano. Sometimes your Chuzzle disappears for a second when playing it. I also just have a few suggestions: - Make Trophies give you 5-10 coins perhaps. - Make Daily Do’s that have Stinky Chuzzle have a way to get rid of them, just like in the actual stinky levels (matching a surrounding Chuzzle 3 times, but change it to be 4 surrounding Chuzzles for difficulty, or drop more Stinky Bois onto the screen at once so the game won’t go on forever). - Add ways to regain Chuzzles that were consumed by Stinky in the Chuzzletarium. - Allow for more coins to be earned from Classic Chuzzle mode. - Add some animations for tapping Prismatic Chuzzles, Masked Chuzzles, and Stinky Chuzzles in the game modes (I always thought all the little animations for tapping on the Chuzzles a bunch of times in-game were really cute!) That’s all for now! Thank you ever so graciously for bringing back my childhood!
Review by Sweet N' Bitter on Chuzzle 2.

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