Addicting, Fun and somewhat annoying – Bricks n Balls Review

Honestly, I love this version of bricks, balls etc...better than any other one out there. I did make the purchase to remove ads and while the bulk of them are gone, one can never be rid of the subscription ad that pops up every time you open the game. Seriously, who on earth would spend $7.99 A WEEK to play this? Anyway, it’s easy enough to close it out and continue. I will watch ads to further my game when I choose but the ads are majorly inappropriate and misogynistic. What I’m annoyed at mostly is why the F is the Christmas challenge back at the end of freakin January??!! Enough Christmas crap already!! I hate the little in app games and challenges, I just want to break bricks!!!
Review by v13ber on Bricks n Balls.

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