Car stats lie – Hot Slide Review

Howdy, So I’ve gotten decently far into the game at 3690 trophies being my highest. Stillafter the brand new update today, where they totally converted all car stats to smaller numbers. A car with all worse stats than me was beating me on a straightaway on a course. “The Ghost” level 4 which had 4 less acceleration and 5 less speed, was pulling away from a level 5 “Satin” that has 168 acceleration and 157 speed. So a completely slower car was beating after we were neck and neck the entire race. But magically he had the power to get faster than me. I have the problem where if I am neck and neck with someone in a tight squeeze, I’ll get in front of them. We both try to squeeze through the tight spot, and they will literally phase through me like there was no obstacle there. My car will glitch and will be like drop kicked into a wall. This makes me lose the race every time. So hopefully this gets fixed.
Review by Colin01oh0812 on Hot Slide.

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