Waste – Stick Hero Fight: Super Battle Review

What a waste of time and space on my phone. Spent hours grinding for a character worth 60000 gold just to get to 47000 and give up because it was taking so long and all I was getting from levels was 270 each which took forever and some were difficult. I decided to test my luck on the wheel spin and I couldn’t help but notice that the odds were not in my favor and probably everyone else’s. I seen that there were 10 items on the wheel and 2 of them I really wanted and needed. A 2/10 chance seemed like a grab until I realized it was more like a .0002/100 chance of getting what I needed. Spent all 47000 of my gold plus the additional profit I was making along the way for extra spins just to reach 600 with no more spins. If I were to count the spins I’ve done, it would have been well over 200 maybe even 300. Spent 40 minutes spamming the spin button and watching the wheel go right over what I needed. Waste of my time, don’t recommend for people who can’t stand getting an ad every mission you do along with the fake “bonus” ads that you can choose to watch to get a bonus and most of the time end up wasting 30 seconds of your life for literally nothing. Uninstalled, deleted cache and data, and I don’t want nothing to do with this game or this creator in any way shape or form. Good luck in the future ripoff.
Review by dankestdarek on Stick Hero Fight: Super Battle.

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blade master 01234


Great game