#biochemical-lab – Age of Origins:Tower Defense Review

Communication is vital! No Non-emergency Calls – When your dead neighbor is trying to eat you, what call isn’t an emergency? Keep Calls Brief – Sure, it may be the last time you ever talk to you loved ones again, but don’t hog the line! Text Message Instead – When phones are down texting may be a viable option for a little while at least. Wait Between Calls – One failed call after another can clog the line, but in a panic will anyone wait to dial again? Have Charged Batteries – Chances are the power will be out, so your phone will only last as long as a single charge. Save Emergency Contacts – Police, fire, and medical responders will have their hands full, so why call? Don’t Talk and Drive – Not sure if pulling over is the best idea when you’re racing through an undead city. Have a Clear Plan – There is no doubt that proper planning and preparation is essential to all aspects of zombie survival. Forward Calls – You probably won’t be home, so FCC says forward those calls to your cell. But your cell won’t work either! Own a Corded Phone – This is the best suggestion of the bunch. Old school dial phones don’t require power to work. Ultimately, there is no reliable way to communicate by phone in a zombie outbreak. Texting will only be slightly more reliable than calling, and won’t when the lines become fully blocked. A rotary land line is great, but unless you’re calling someone else with the same setup you’re likely to get an endless busy signal. Assume that anyone you’re not standing next to will be outside of your communication zone. Therefore, the only way to ensure you’ll be able to make contact with your group is to establish several primary and secondary meeting points ahead of time. Also some fun facts for survival note that in order to survive a zombie attack, it is imperative to follow a few guidelines: 1) do not take shelter in a vehicle in which you do not have the keys, 2) do not leave weapons out for zombies to find, 3) do not give your only weapon to a hysterical person, 4) do not retreat to your basement without supplies, 5) do not get surrounded by zombies, especially in an elevator, and 6) do not let personal emotions and anger impede survival. Some scientists claim that a zombie apocalypse is not necessarily an impossibility because humans are susceptible to neurotoxins, brain parasites, real rage virus (such as mad cow disease), neurogenesis, and nanobots (which can operate in a host even after the host has died) A parasitic fungus, a species of Ophiocordyceps, effectively turns ants into zombies. A recent study found that the fungus can synchronize several ants to bite down simultaneously on the underside of a leaf and then die. The fungus then sprouts through the dead ants’ bodies Plan or perish! This is just some preparation for the apocalypse. I feel like being able to have the zombie/human being an open communication line for other commanders to help protect each other’s city’s when your unavailable. I think it would be cool if u could send her into a city and temporarily take charge of a set army in the bio lab hence allowing your fellow alliance members to protect your city. Or maybe you could send her with a fleet and she could instantly send resources back to your city while you wait for the rest of the fleet to finish collecting. And last idea I had would be to allow her to communicate with a zombie that you recently killed and have that zombie temporarily fight in your army or protect your city. Hence communication! Another idea just hit me lol what if she could turn other armies into zombies and they temporarily become unavailable until that commander heals those troops? So attacking city’s that fail would lose troops and some would become undead waiting to be healed? Or maybe even she could create some new and more powerful ammo to help you defeat the zombie uprising. Maybe she could release a neurotoxin into other cities you attack. Making certain soldiers impaired by the virus cutting the attack and hp in half or decreased in some fashion. Lol or finally and I promise this is it what if you could set her as a trap to gather intel on other commanders ? Like have a certain scouting lvl that could tell you if it’s a normal zombie to kill or a leach type zombie that would slowly gather intel on your city until you subdue the spy or virus... Thanks, xdizzx89 ID-7101867
Review by xdizzykikx on Age of Origins:Tower Defense.

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