Next step is deleting Coupons – The Coupons App Review

I don’t appreciate the constant nagging to set GPS location to “Always” every time I open the app. I only want it on “When Using” the app. Stop the nagging! Remember, there needs to be an understanding between developers and users as to their location privacy. I will give up my location privacy on my terms, not yours. You can’t force me to use your app because I can just delete it. Remember the AppStore has an abundance of apps in this genre. Most duplicate the same offers do I will you the app that affords me the best privacy. I generally leave privacy set to “When using” the app and only changed it to alway when nagged. Now I changed it to “Never” unless I’m using the app. The app doesn’t need my location because many offers are hundreds of miles from me so the whole need for location to tailor the app to my needs is bogus. I bet country wide every is getting the exact same offers. Tracking location is nothing but data mining for Google. My next step is deleting the app if this game becomes to intense. Looking at the IAPs they are ridiculous. Paying to remove ads from an app that promotes ads is very ironic. Now when I open Coupons I am annoyed by the endless full page pop ups. At 5am I get a Notification Saying Friday 9/20 saying “Reminder: Saved coupon expires today.” Your XYZ saved coupon for $ savings expires Thursday 9/19 today!” That’s not very useful information being today is Friday the 20th. Please get your Push Notifications out 24 hours in advance of expiration. I’m not having the black screen problems others are encountering. Scrolling is not as smooth as it should be. When asking for location please only list the merchant with the offer, not similar merchants. If there is no local store please ask if we’d like to see similar stores nearby before listing them.
Review by Kplan23 on The Coupons App.

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