My problem – Huuuge Casino 777 Slots Games Review

If you have Billions your playing with it really becomes a problem when you continue to play in the beginning players slots. It doesn’t give a very fair advantage to the ones who are beginners or have a lot less to play with. I’ve noticed lately every game I try to play when someone playing with billions every time you spin it starts spinning out of control or the wheels starts jumping. The spins are not smooth. Also you can’t tell when they are spinning or not. It use to be fair and fun but I’m about done with it. The players that have at least a billion need to only be able to play in their own league. Seems this just started happening with the new updates that the players were playing in the beginning slots. It’s only a game, but not much fun to play when there are so many system glitches because of it. Give everyone a fair shot by putting them in their own league.
Review by djhawki on Huuuge Casino 777 Slots Games.

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