Thanks for wasting 7+ hours of my life – Clips Review

I had a project I was working on which was pretty big, so I knew it would take a lot of time. So I’m finally finished with that project, which took 7+ hours. I knew the release date to the public for my project was going to be later, so I waited for that month. Once I could post it, all pf my work is gone. Even all the other projects, all of it. How can’t you even keep a few projects for ONE month? Are you seriously that bankrupt? I can’t even imagine what other people were going through getting their work all gone. So thanks for taking off those seven hours of my life. Sorry for being too pushy, but can’t you tell me how to get it back please?
Review by not really good comenter on Clips.

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Used to like but now
roxylove ??‍♀️???‍♀️

