Rayark’s Least Cared for Rhythm Game and it Shows – VOEZ Review

VOEZ is beautiful. It’s a stunning game, with calming artwork and an overall great vibe! It also has some of the most phenomenal map design I’ve seen. Visually, this game is amazing and a treat to the eyes, so much so, that I keep coming back to it as some sort of guilty pleasure. Positives out of the way, here are the negatives. VOEZ is free. VOEZ also has hundreds of songs. And by that I mean a whopping 726. Seriously, a big selection like this is amazing! There’s definitely a likely chance there’s a song you like. Back to the free part— VOEZ is not free. VOEZ has 726 songs, and only 12 of which you can obtain freely to keep. They have a rotating selection though! But it rotates like once every few months. Yeah Rayark is pretty neglecting of this game. Each song is 1$ going by Rayark prices, so if you really like the game, have fun spending upwards to hundreds for only a seventh of the song selection. You get lucky if you get a deal like 5$ for 10 keys (currency to buy songs). My tip? Just buy the switch version if you have a switch because every song is unlocked. If you don’t? What a shame, guess you gotta save those keys for those songs you REALLY like. Or shell out that cash dollar chaching—! There’s also the fact that if you have an iPhone 10 and up (with the large screens), you’re going to have ugly black bars on this otherwise beautiful game. Another technical gripe I have is that every time I start a song, it flips the game? So I have to flip my phone upside down and once the song finishes I flip it again. Annoying. Fun game, rigged from the start with awful freenium.
Review by Inturnat on VOEZ.

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