This Game Is My Childhood – Battle Panic Review

This game is my childhood. I’ve played it since I was 5 or 6, but it was very enjoyable then. I loved this game to this day and hope people still enjoy it, but I’ve noticed something terrible. Not about the game, no. But about the people. See, I would protect this game with my life, but people don’t understand fun. Sure, this game gets boring after 5 or 6, maybe even 7 years of playing it, but it’s still fun in the beginning. Even if you start playing a game you don’t like or even if you love it, it’s still nostalgic! If you didn’t like it, then don’t rate the game 1 star, at least rate it a 3, it’s a middle number. Developers, I will support you in any way I possibly can, but I wish people won’t dislike something for the way it looks, or if it doesn’t work. But it - for whatever reason - doesn’t work on iPhone 8. Please fix this issue, and listen to the people, don’t just listen to one person. I know you might be occupied, but this game is not all forgotten. Please... just — remember...
Review by M:E/M)O(R\Y on Battle Panic.

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