Doesn’t let you post last piece until you pay!!! – PhotoSplit for Instagram Review

This is very predatory. I was unaware that my final square would be held hostage until I pay the pro fee. I was posting for work and had already posted the other two and was already getting feedback so I couldt erase them either. It’s not a big amount of money. $4 is totally fair for an app like this. But what about those kids or adults that don’t have $4 or a credit card or, or, or? In that situation they would not have been able to purchase pro and be stuck with 2/3 of a picture. You shouldn’t trick people into paying. It never works out in the long run. Just lame to do to people. Make it clear otherwise it makes the whole company look bad. Reputation is everything these days.
Review by badgrahamers on PhotoSplit for Instagram.

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