Time Machine loses everything – Disco Zoo Review

I loved this game and almost had all the diamond statues that I wanted and then they released a time machine feature and I thought, wow, how cool is that?! And then I used it and everything I loved in the game disappeared. All of the things I had accomplished were gone. My zoo was reset to nothing. I had zero to show for all the hours I put in. All those statues my spouse got for me to help me out: gone. Whoever was responsible for the time machine feature should be forced to build a beautiful house that they think they'll get to live in and then just before it's done, someone should ask them, "Do you want a piece of fresh-baked bread?" Because of course who wouldn't want a piece of fresh-baked bread? And then when they take the bread, this someone will say, "oh, you took the bread, yay, that means your house will be incinerated." And then the house should be incinerated before their eyes. "But that's okay," someone will say, "because you can start ALL OVER, yay! Your sink can be a different color now." That would be pretty fair, I think. At least put a warning dialog box that says your zoo will lose everything if you use the time machine, okay? Because time machines--like, one would assume I could just use the same time machine and get back to my time, you know? What happened to the time machine after I used it, game creators?! Huh? Even my time machine disappeared! Pft.
Review by Writerad234567 on Disco Zoo.

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