Add Double-Tap to Skip Forward/Back Feature for Mobile – DLive · Your Stream Your Rules Review

I really like this app purely for providing an alternative to the censorious monopoly called YouTube, so I hope that you guys continue to take a strong stand against censorship and remain free-speech absolutists. That said, I did not give this app 5 stars because I think that there are a few features that could be added to greatly improve the app’s functionality and make it more user-friendly, especially the mobile version. I would love to see a feature added that allows users watching replays on their phones to skip forward and backward a few seconds (10 seconds or so) by double tapping their screens or even using a button somewhere. This may not seem like a big deal, but it’s one of those small quality-of-life features that I’ve really grown to appreciate lately. I generally watch really long videos, so it is super helpful to be able to tap the screen a few times to go back if I miss something rather than trying to drag the little dot to the exact spot I want, then moving it 10 minutes back on accident and being stuck waiting for the video to load again. Like I said, though, this is more of a suggestion to help improve the app than a scathing critique of it. I really like this app as an alternative to YouTube, and I think you guys are doing a great job over at D-Live. I hope you find this helpful and continue to support free speech. Best, Zach
Review by Big Z 34 on DLive · Your Stream Your Rules.

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