Best app for complete and accurate info – amma: Pregnancy & Baby Tracker Review

I downloaded and tried a half dozen apps. I found pros and cons to each one. I mainly noticed a discrepancy between the apps in the description of what is happening at that current time. Some would say that “implantation hasn’t yet happened yet” which is obviously inaccurate otherwise I wouldn’t have had a positive test. They varied wildly and it was really frustrating. As someone who is educated on the female reproductive system I know what is happening but since pregnancy isn’t something I’ve studied I wanted something with accurate detail of what is happening at this moment. This app provides accurate information and also includes pictures and ultrasounds of what your baby will look like at your current stage, even at super early ones! I am only 4 weeks today but got to see what it would look like if I had an ultrasound. I think the amount of content you get in this app is absolutely amazing. I recommend every pregnant woman checks it out!!!
Review by BeantownSwaggah on amma: Pregnancy & Baby Tracker.

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