Nukes – Risk of war - Wartime Glory Review

What. The. Heck. Were. You. Thinking? That is the most OP thing in the world. The air defense from being Germany doesn’t even work in protecting against it and on top of that the nuke will destroy literally all of the USA and Canada with ONE blow. Broken af. The game was awesome but that one thing literally just made this game such trash. Idk how people aren’t upset about that. It’s so unfair when only America members can have the nuke. So no matter how little of troops and land my opponent has all they have to do is just save up for the nuke and keep nuking me every 3 or so turns it is that you get it back. Stop making America the greatest it’s a freaking video game ok? Make it balanced plz. A nuke doesn’t even blow up but a city let alone an ENTIRE COUNTRY OR EVEN TWO! Unless it’s like Singapore or something.
Review by STOP DELETING MY REVIEW APPLE on Risk of war - Wartime Glory.

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