Good, Could be Great – 6x6 Review

I really love SQUARE photos, particularly for use with INSTAGRAM. (most of my Instagram images @douglasgottlieb are taken with this app). It has a clean, easy interface, great exposure and focus controls and nice amenities, like custom grids and mono option. The PROBLEM with the app is that it cannot shoot a large series of images rapidly. Doing so causes the app to continue to shoot, and only a minute or two later are you alerted that it failed to save. That's a big issue. It doesn't alert you of the problem right away -- so you lose your shots. In spite of this serious flaw, I still find that the other benefits of the app keep me coming back to it, particularly when I'm shooting slowly, and carefully. If it could better handle rapid shooting (and offered a front facing option for self portaits), this would be the only camera I'd use. As it is, I still use the Apple camera and other rapid fire apps when capturing fast. I hope a future update addresses the image buffer problem. Then it will be a 5 star app.
Review by DouglasGottlieb on 6x6.

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