Fun but expensive – One Clue Crossword Review

I like the game. Plays well. Logical clues. However the escalating token cost assures that the player will be required to spend money in order to continue. There is no way out of it. Play skill will not avoid it. 5/17. Still no new classic puzzles. Is this app being abandoned by the developers? It’s been many months since an update to the classic mode. Like others reviewing here I don’t care for the mixup mode. I also echo the complaint regarding answers not relating to the picture itself but rather to arcane references to the generalization of the pix. 9/05. It seems like the classic mode has been abandoned. The mix up one merely recycles old photos and answers so it’s really trivial to solve. This used to be one of my favorites but it’s really stale now. Not much reason to visit it. I can’t imagine that the advertisers like the reduced time-in-app. To the developers: please provide new classic puzzles. It’s why most of us got involved in the app. I luv the original concept. Please don’t minimize or abandon it.
Review by Hiker_th on One Clue Crossword.

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Maddening fun
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