Great game – Dead Zed Review

This is a great game, it’s not perfect but it just came out so I don’t expect it to be. It’s definitely a game worth playing especially if you enjoyed the browser version. The only thing that doesn’t seem to be working properly is that the XP system seems to be broken, XP has been pretty much useless to me so far and either needs to be significantly revised or done away with altogether. I really like the weapons and the upgrade system which is something I dislike on most mobile games but I’d like to make a few suggestions. Once (or before if you use the ingame currency) you fully upgrade a weapon I’d like to be able to tweak it some, such as changing optics, adding a muzzle brake to reduce recoil at the expense of damage dealt, and on shotguns I’d like to see interchangeable chokes to change the spread pattern and being able to choose different shells with different shot sizes and amounts of shot depending on personal preference. For example, 7 1/2 shot has a lot more pellets than 00 buckshot but the individual pellets deal less damage, it would take some trial and error to balance a system like that but it would allow players to tailor a gun to their play style. Overall this is a great game, especially considering that it’s only been out a couple days, I just wanted to make some suggestions. keep up the good work!
Review by 1969ChevyC10 on Dead Zed.

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