4in waist.. 14in hips/thighs – Sweet Selfie: Photo Editor&Cam Review

Honestly, I never even opened this app and I won’t. In fact, immediately after writing my review, I’ll be deleting it. Let me start by saying the fact that Women EVERYWHERE, from every book and cranny of the world, are using this app to make their waists appear no bigger than 12 inches! (Literally, impossible. Where are your organs?) As a woman, this is repulsive to even see, the AD I just watched on YouTube, was HORRENDOUSLY ABSURD! **Mind you, I may be naturally petite and CANNOT get any bigger than a size 3?, which for a 5'6" petite woman, it's equally as frustrating as someone trying to LOSE weight. Ladies, if you're downloading this app to change your appearance: #1) not only is this unnecessary, but to men, it's called false advertising. #2) as well as above, you're trying to "fix" your appearance to look seriously RIDICULOUS?and ya'll aren't even seeing (let alone seeing how unaware you are to the fact that your photos are misleading in a way that if ANY one of your followers was behind you in a coffee shop, no one's even going to recognize who you are. So if downloading this app is what's going to allow you to feel good about yourself- by all means, have a go. But don't go making your hips 4 inches WIDER than your waist. Ya'll just tryin' to impress a SH!T TON of strangers who, in all actuality, don't even care what you look like. Hell, some of your followers follow you JUST to see how ridiculous, absurd & out of proportion the NEXT photo of your 'whole body in a pic' is going to look. I'm just lookin to make you all aware of what you're REALLY doing to your image by CHANGING your image. All for strangers. This is what cultural society has done to young American women, even most women in their 30's to late 50's. #staywoke & #stayaware of what you're REALLY putting out there for content. H
Review by 5aly1brit8 on Sweet Selfie: Photo Editor&Cam.

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