So close to being great. – Giant Boulder of Death Review

Downloaded and played non stop for about an hour and it’s almost awesome, but I’m deleting because I’m already frustrated. - Gems are too hard to come by. - You earn too few coins even when you have a great run to keep you playing after a while. I would buy the coin doubler if it was cheaper, but I’m not gonna pay $5 for what’s basically an infinite runner / katamari rip off. For $1 or two more I can buy an entire grand theft auto game. - I accidentally waste coins on head start constantly and can’t get them back. - The mines are just ridiculous. It’d be one thing if they were rolling around at random, but they track you adding an unnecessary level of difficulty. I’m already going crazy fast, now you’ve got 4 mines coming for me at once? C’mon. - Spike wall interaction is inconsistent. Sometimes I jump and sail right over. Other times I clip the top, bounce, and keep going. Sometimes the exact same bounce happens and I die. Sometimes I jump at the same place as I have previously and still get killed. It’s like you want me to throw my phone across the room. - Why do you keep adding objects I can’t destroy? Let me run through a house! - Music is horrid The good things are: - The sound effects when you hit certain objects give me a smile. - Great graphics that give the game a lively feel. - I like that objects you’ve already hit go forward and help you get additional points outside where your Boulder is going, but I wish it was easier to plan out. Right now it feels pretty haphazard, but that may be my lack of experience.
Review by Untaken nickname jeez on Giant Boulder of Death.

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