Go grab yer mommie’s apron strings! – Rebel Inc. Review

Wow, I can’t believe all the 1-star reviews. You want an easy game, play Candy Crush. Yes, this game is hard, probably harder then Plague, Inc. So what, you entitled brats! Learn it!!! For example, I failed time and again with it telling me I needed to “stabilize”regions faster. I thought they meant stop the insurgents, but that’s not “stability”! Lol So I actually started paying more attention to the stats pages and learned that spending too much on military was actually working against me and making the insurgents more powerful. As I’ve taken new approaches, I’ve completed every map on at least normal and the first two on brutal. Some of the leaders are “designed” for some of the maps/scenarios, but be sure to go back and beat the maps with all the leaders - that’s how you unlock more advisors... and those advisors are super important to beating the maps on brutal. But again, you have to pick the right ones for the scenario once you've unlocked a bunch. You know, strategy. The order of buying your Operation Initiatives is super important too. Like Effective Procurement needs to be your second buy, for example. Or getting Regional Census early on along with some basic infrastructure so that you can get all the regional intel as fast as possible. The auto-build of initiatives doesn’t start in a region until you have intel on it, so “clearing the fog” on the whole area immediately is of paramount importance! But no - they don’t spoon-feed you this... you have to pay attention and LEARN it! What a bunch of babies. This game is awesome. Get it, and don’t listen to the whiners about the pay-to-win... they are lying to protect their egos. You don’t /have/ to buy any of the unlocks... just step up your game and they will progressively unlock along with your improvement in skill.
Review by Feral_Peanut on Rebel Inc..

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Great Game!

Love it!!!

Nick clause Vanderbilt

Fun game

Very good