Too bad – Bricks n Balls Review

Up until a few weeks ago, (7/19) this was a fun and challenging game, even with all of the ads. They’ve made some changes that have made it just frustrating. It’s really too bad because I’ve been playing this for a while and could hit my spot maybe 90% of the time, but because “the spot” now takes bounces that favor the house, (and oddly, the next “spot”, from the different angle takes the same bad bounce?) I’m not seeing any newbs getting too involved. I hope they change it back, cuz I’m about done. 8/19 edit. Still haven’t changed it back. Not sure what the strategy here is unless it’s to run off players who took the ads with the playtime. Now, sadly, the ads take more time than the playtime.
Review by SO1031987 on Bricks n Balls.

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