Amazing game!! (The tech support could use work though...) – SWORD ART ONLINE:Memory Defrag Review

I cannot stress how much I love this game. It is my BABY. I started playing roughly a year or so ago, and since then I’ve turned on the app roughly once a day. I’m SUPER proud of my progress, and I worked SO HARD to get [My Hero] Kirito (talk about last minute win, sheesh)(I scouted him in the literal last minute no joke). A couple months ago though, my game suddenly decided that it wasn’t going to work for me anymore. I’d had a similar issue before, so I decided to just wait it out again, but any attempt to update the game was blocked because apparently?? I didn’t have the game?? The game that I was literally playing like every day I could?? The one just sitting RIGHT FREAKING THERE?? Ugh. A mess. I contacted Tech support to try and figure out the issue (without losing my account; which I explicitly mentioned) but all they sent back was to delete the app I had on my phone previously and redownload it. So, since I had a guess to the steps of this tango, I went as far as I could and took a screenshot of my game ID and stuff (the homepage, I think it’s called?) and then deleted the game. After I redownloaded it, the first thing I did (after seeing I truly was on a different account) was go down to tech support thingy in the bottom right on the home page and attempt to log into it. (It didn’t work, since I had no way of making a transfer code or whatever it is they were asking for) after which I went to the page saying ‘recover your account’ which is probably the only reason I ever took the game deletion risk in the first place btw. But, of course, didn’t work. They asked a LOT of super specific questions (How many memory diamonds EXACTLY, who was on your team, etc) that someone who hasn’t been able to check all that stuff in MONTHS (or anyone who can’t access their account, for that matter. Which is like 99% of the people who are on that page *sigh*) wouldn’t be able to know. I just got an email mentioning how I didn’t give them all the details they asked for and, uh, I gave you as much as I could remember. I went into very specific detail on the ones I could, and what exactly am I expected to do for everything else?? I don’t think they quite understand that the actual game hasn’t been accessible to me for a while now... I really want my account back, tech helpers
Review by shiaizns on SWORD ART ONLINE:Memory Defrag.

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