More ideas – BitLife - Life Simulator Review

1. I like how we can rob houses but something you can add is robbing banks and you get loads more money. 2. I think you should add like sports when you are young and you get injured like sprains, etc. 3. I think phones should be added and be called bit phone. You could play like mini games and have like bitfeed like buzz feed saying what is popular. 4. When you join social media and upload things you should have a choice to upload and if you go along with trends like said in 3, you get more likes. Also with this topic there should be a social media influencer and sometimes get sent free things. Also there should be a bit tube and to upload an add shows up. You can choose a title and topic too! I hope at least one of my ideas get put in the game.Thanks for you time
Review by alexissilva2008 on BitLife - Life Simulator.

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My Thoughts.

Really fun!
aj shorman
