The NEWs in your news is old. – KOAT Action 7 News Review

Sad to see KOAT has gone to the dark side. 95% ads, 5% old news and then you try to report national news too instead of more local news, and do a poor job of it. ABC has OK national news reporting, but they're even worse about ads about prescription medications that only doctors can prescribe. What are people supposed to do, run to their doctors and ask them about the 20 or so medications they saw advertised on TV. AND, the stupid stories about celebrities, etc., that tap your interest (that never change) and when click them it sends you into a jungle of MORE CRAPPY ADVERTISING for JUNK!!!! Who knows what to believe. It's as if you don't see things happen with your own eyes, you can't believe it's true. It's all so corrupted and fueled by greed, it really is a sad situation. Guess I'll stick with NPR for now. Better journalism, less advertising.
Review by Almena's mom on KOAT Action 7 News.

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