Random button please! – Pastel Girl Review

My main issue with this app and the readon im hesitant to rate it 5 stars is the lack of a random button. The one thing missing aside from an otherwise perfect app. With a random button i could easily make new characters and be inspired by combinations i otherwise wouldn't have thought of. It would be a challenge artistically to take any random avatar thrown at me and draw that. And creatively speaking it would broaden the way I along with many other users utilize the content of the game. It would be a very neat feature that i feel is missing everytime i open the app. Also, on a side note, it would be cool if somehow users were able to have the option of vitiligo (skin condition involving pigment) as a skin color option. I understand the complexity of that request as not everyone has the same patterns and it would be difficult to implement; however, if there is a way to add that as an option, i feel that that could be an excellent contribution to the current options as well.
Review by Olivia Pauter on Pastel Girl.

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