Ok – Pottery Review

Now there are a few things that need addressed it will go from most important to least important. 1) Not like the ad. If you want a better game with less bad reviews, you should start off by making the ad like the game. You would give you better reviews and more people recommending this game to their friends, which means more downloads. 2) Less ads! I’ve seen this complaint many times and I’ve seen the same thing. There are SO MANY ADS!!!!!!!!!!! The game is less of a game and more of a “find the right game for you!” App. It gets really frustrating especially when you’re in the middle of a level and there are those moving red rings and you’re really close to one, then there’s an ad! 3) More challenge. It’s super easy. There should be more rings on farther levels or you can’t to touch the base or, if there’s better graphics (that’s another complaint but I’m too lazy to type a complaint about that), there can be like a red thing on a side of the clay and you can’t hit it until you do the rest. 4) Just a suggestion! I think the game would be a little better if there was a button to bring you to like a gallery and you could see all your pots! Thank you for reading this took me forever so thank you again and enjoy the rest of your day!
Review by ~Odd•Duck•Explorer~ on Pottery.

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