If you love loosing real cash and enjoy being a spectator this is the game for you !!! – Huuuge Casino 777 Slots Games Review

This game was a blast in the first 30 days. However, I had no clue what I was doing initially as there are so many variables and variations to this game. Then I made my own team ? yea this is great. Then the higher the level the harder it is to his jackpots of anything for that matter. From there you get sucked into buying chips or lottery tickets. Well if you don't then your just a spectator and can't play. They make it impossible. This is fact. I now have 100 people on my team. All variations of levels. All the same issues. I (and I'm not alone) have spent $1000.00's playing this game. It's ruined me in many ways. And as a leader of a club I see it ruining many others as well. Go ahead and say "you would never" I dare you as we never thought this either. Those 20$ charges add up ? fast! I and others in my group have been buying these chips and tickets and everyone has had issues with not always getting what we paid for. OR HUGE has charged them double so watch your credit cards people !! FYI do not link this to your Facebook account. You will never get rid of it. Even if you do a hard reset. Trust me we have all tried. Huge is definitely addicting. Be ready for a subtle life change which isn't for the good. These are ALL true statements. When you download find anyone over 100 level and ask them. They give people they like bonus of billions but won't give a penny to help another. Trueeee story folks. Customer support copies and pastes replies. Robot style for the most part. Can't speak with any supervisor ever. I'm about to tell my team of 7 years it's ok if they want to quit. Many years and 1,000's of $$$ later I've learned many have over drafted bank accounts, maxed out credit cards, couldn't pay bills, but food... Ye "true story again" and it makes me sick and angry! They say your only as sick as the secrets you keep... No secrets here anymore Over it. Greedy app. No fun. Ask anyone who's played. Good luck !
Review by nae2u on Huuuge Casino 777 Slots Games.

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