Pretty Good... ONE MAJOR ISSUE THOUGH! – Drakomon Masters Review

So game is pretty decent for the $2 price tag. Graphics are nice, sprites are nice although kinda too similar at times, same with the names. Your character customization is nice. Would love to see option to change clothing options mid game. Say at the store buy more clothes or whatever. But the main issue I’m having with this game is lack of direction. I find myself more times than not aimlessly wandering around not sure of which direction to head next. This is due to the fact the game has absolutely NO MAP of any kind. Yea paths have names but without a map kinda pointless. Adding a map would significantly improve game. I would be ok with a small jump in price for it. Pros) 1) Simple easy to pick up 2) very cheap at only $2 3)well done graphics and gameplay 4)doesn’t require energy to play like most games of this nature. 5) can be played online if purchased full version again ONLY $2!! 6) Difficulty is very high so easy for newer players. 7) For being developed by only two people it runs very smoothly for like 99% of the game. Cons) 1) Lack of direction thanks to not having any sort of MAP. Please add this 2) Many of the Drakomon sprites and names are way to similar. Diversity would help significantly but this is overlooked due to nice gameplay. 3) Difficulty is a little on low side and doesn’t progressive further into game kinda stays same level throughout. Games are supposed to get harder further into them you get. 4) Weird bug where when battling another trainer it says “you were challenged by you to a duel” idk if this was intentional laziness or a simple coding error but please fix. As it occurs on literally every single trainer battle. 5) The bad guys don’t really say anything. Just mostly “!” 6) Storyline is lackluster at best. No real depth to it. Kinda feels just thrown together. 7) THE MAP WE NEED A MAP!
Review by GhettoJesus69 on Drakomon Masters.

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