Lets me enter a food’s weight! – Calorie Counter by Cronometer Review

I had been using a competing app since April 2016, and had managed to lose weight using it. But I wanted to better track my food intake, so I purchased a digital kitchen scale. That’s when I discovered that my old app frequently did not let me enter foods by weight, only by volume and/or number of servings. For a while I used the built-in calculator app to convert the weight of what I was eating into a number of servings but that got old quickly. Cronometer lets me enter the weight of everything that I eat. I don’t have to worry about how tightly I have packed a quarter cup of shredded cheese; my scale tells me exactly how many grams I have measured out and that is what I enter. Life is so much easier. There are a few things that I miss in my old app. A daily irritant is the lack of integration with Siri shortcuts. Every morning I drink 28 ounces of black coffee and even though I’ve made it a favorite, every morning I need to re-enter my serving size. I guess I will have to set up a recipe with just one ingredient. Cronometer also doesn’t recognize as many barcodes as my old app, but I am trying to enter as many of them as I come across. And while I appreciate the availability of micronutrient data, it’s not a feature that I’m currently using. The biggest issue is that Cronometer requires Internet access. I frequently find myself in a dead zone when I want to enter my lunch. Instead I have to open Notes and write down what I ate, then re-enter it all later, usually after having to re-enter my password. Despite that, it’s a good app that I continue to use, and despite the above caveats, would recommend to anybody.
Review by Samwyse on Calorie Counter by Cronometer.

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