Real Review – Steampunk Defense Review

I played this almost to the very end. This game is extremely easy and requires no effort. You do not need to spend money, in time you will unlock 4 hero’s and all towers and it doesn’t cost much to upgrade the towers and whether the hero’s fight or not they still get exp for leveling up. So I wondered why this game exists at all; is it for babies? Figured out it’s only function is to show you adds after levels. There are a whole lot of levels (more than average for a TD game) but all of them are easy as hell. Nothing really happens, after the first 20 or so levels the enemies remain the same, no bosses and the levels are also very short, majority is 7 small ways and it stays that way. So ya ENTIRE basis for this game are the unskipable adds, every level and even sometimes when you just leave a level because you want to get off the game. I lost probably twice and the only reason for that is because I didn’t bring air defense tower to a level that had choppers; so I started bringing them to all levels; turns out choppers and boats are in so few levels I could have done those levels later just to 3 star them. BOOOOOORING! Deleted.
Review by Sophia blood on Steampunk Defense.

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