Worth A Shot!! – Baby Names™ Review

Don’t usually review. Don’t usually see much utility with most apps I download. This one though, I had been playing with for about a month. Just perusing the different aspects of it. Saving names and checking origins and dbl checking them with other resources. Then.... I ran outta time. A short months time later, My son was born, Healthy, Beautiful & in desperate need of a name. So with it being down to the wire and we being in the process of getting ready to leave the hospital. I pulled out this app. In less than 10 minutes and the added weight of time and money bearing on us. Me & my wife decided a name as painlessly as pulling off a wet Bandaid. Go figure. I know full well that this review is not gonna help a lot of people. Though if you enjoyed this review. That’s all that matters. ~God Speed Benji Boya~ Love Dad~
Review by Barthalemu* on Baby Names™.

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