Was good not anymore – Dopameme: Meme Maker Memes Review

Admins are out of control private, delete or banned you for things that don't break the rules just because they don't like it or don't find it funny. Almost the only post that make popular page are the admins post they will up-vote their own post to make it to popular and never can be bothered to up-vote anyone else's post. Admins will repost others people's post and not give credit, take down the post or even up-vote the original post, they steal it for themselves and up-vote it to popular then take credit for it.... Find another app because for now this one has major thin skinned admins with ego problems. If you only want to make memes for yourself then it's ok at best.
Review by farmboy@6'5" on Dopameme: Meme Maker Memes.

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