Good foundation, but falls short – Game of Trenches: WW1 Strategy Review

At the moment here’s what you can do in the game. 1) Scout within your front. 2) Build up your base/research and train troops. 3) Fight Bandits (NPC’s). 4) Fight other players. That’s it. Yes there are alliances and there are two cycles of events (train troops is one) and (build and research is the other) which are broken into solo and alliance challenges, but there are no goals. No territories to fight over, no common ground to capture/defend, nothing. Moreover, all of the fronts are combined with regards to the events. So front (1) and its alliances will be at the top, winning gold and the new fronts will not. Again, it’s a good foundation, but it seriously falls short. I hope they plan on expanding it to at least a more traditional version of this genre. I’ll revisit my review if that occurs.
Review by BURN_Miner on Game of Trenches: WW1 Strategy.

All Game of Trenches: WW1 Strategy Reviews

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