Pretty good – Scribblenauts Unlimited Review

This version is functionally identical to the 3DS Version, bar a few tweaks (for example, Starite Vision no longer has the cool effect from the other versions) to make the game run better. Oddly, the game uses Maxwell’s Sprite from Scribblenauts Remix, which sort of makes him clash with literally all of his siblings (except Lily, who’s Sprite was changed to a similar style). The game is a bit framey (I think it’s locked at 30 FPS, which looks a bit weird for a game like this), and the object limit is very low (just playing through Storybook Keep is enough to max out the object counter). Overall, it’s a fine port, definitely recommend it.
Review by Bit messed up on Scribblenauts Unlimited.

All Scribblenauts Unlimited Reviews

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It’s pretty good.
One reason I hate this

Loving it!

I want a refund