Good Sound but NO FUNCTIONALITY – Harmonica! Review

Wow. This Harmonica app sounds great and is very touch-responsive. With ten little buttons for reed holes and twelve major keys, it seems at first to be just what the harp-player is looking for, especially for free. HOWEVER: While the blow notes sound pretty good, I can't figure out how you're supposed to play the draw notes. There doesn't seem to be a way to blow chords. There's no record function. There's no way to bend notes. The website linked to on the app's page in the iTunes store doesn't even list this app, so while the link says "Harmonica! support -->," there is in fact no support. There are no clues in the app itself as to how you're supposed to get more than the ten blow notes. It might be a fine novelty, but unless I can figure out how to get those draw notes, all I can play are the do-mi-sol-ti-do notes. How are you supposed to make music that way? PS: The screenshot offered on the app's page is not a screen shot. What the heck is going on?
Review by Mitchell K. Dwyer on Harmonica!.

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