There Are No Words for How Beautiful This Game Is – To the Moon Review

To The Moon just might be my favorite game in all existence, although it is less of a game in the traditional sense and more of an interactive story than anything. I honestly can’t imagine living without this game it’s made such an impression on me. It’s definitely worth the money- and this is coming from someone who never wants to pay for apps (I bought this with a gift card.) I’ve owned To The Moon for two whole years now and I still haven’t gotten sick of it. The characters are all fun and memorable, the music is gorgeous and I love the chemistry between Neil and Eva, our two protagonists. The writing is stellar (no pun intended) as well and the game is long enough to really get you invested in the storyline without dragging on. I’ve yet to play this game without crying. Just be warned, however- a lot of the negative reviews claim this game to be “boring,” and for some people it may be. To be fair, it isn’t very exciting in terms of gameplay- all you do is guide around the two doctors as they look for different items to create a “memory link” and proceed to Johnny’s next memory. The hardest thing you’ll have to face is solving a simple puzzle once all five memory links are located. If you appreciate a good story and don’t mind a slower-paced, story-driven game, buy this right now- you won’t regret it. However, if you’re looking for something more quick-paced and action-packed, this is probably not the game for you. That doesn’t mean you won’t like it, though- this is the first story-driven game I’ve had experience with, and let’s just say I fell in love. It just means that if you don’t happen to enjoy the game, this is probably why. No game is perfect and no game can please everyone. And if you’re one of the people complaining about the controls, there’s a PC version with controls you might like better. In conclusion, I highly recommend this game to anyone who happens to stumble across it. It’s introduced me to a whole new world of games I didn’t even know were out there. Whenever I’m bored, this game is there to pick me up, and when I’m sad, it helps me straighten out my feelings. I just love to play this curled up in bed with the lights off and the window open, staring up at the moon and imagining Johnny there, his life’s goal fulfilled. It almost makes me want to fly to the moon myself, which hopefully will be possible within my lifetime. And if not, maybe I’ll have a Dr. Watts and Rosaline to send me there in my mind instead. ———————————————————— P.S. If you do happen to like this game, there are two (yes, two!) sequels- A Bird Story and Finding Paradise! A Bird Story is much shorter than To The Moon and is meant to bridge the gap between this game and Finding Paradise. I haven’t gotten ahold of these ones yet but I’m told they both follow the same character, the doctors’ next patient, at different times in his life. These are not available on mobile yet, I’ll but I’ll try and play through them on Steam and edit my thoughts into this review when I’m done.
Review by Kelsey Reviews Stuff on To the Moon.

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