Don't waste time or money on this thing. – FIXD OBD2 Scanner Review

Hopefully you've read this review prior to buying the device, which is a buggy Bluetooth reader that is no more comprehensive than ones you can borrow for free at auto parts stores anywhere. Using this app to discover suggested fixes is like entering common cold symptoms into WebMd to find you may have cancer in your ear. FIXD and it's developers assume you're willing to spend more money on it after the initial purchase, spamming the app with ads for it's premium services as well as links to purchase parts from it's Amazon store that aren't even compatible with the vehicle you plug the reader into. I can't say anything about the real time measurements because they aren't even compatible with my vehicles. FIXD doesn't sell diagnostic tools. They sell subscription services and ad space.
Review by DustyBuffalo on FIXD OBD2 Scanner.

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