Not too bad but ... – SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI D×2 Review

While better than many phone games it resorts to many of the same ethically dubious tricks as other freemium titles. As is typical with freemium games you are given daily chores to complete for rewards, you are forced to pretend a bunch of strangers are your friends for points, and you can join a team of people who miss the entire point of the team and won’t do anything to help move towards the team goals and the better units are of course only obtainable through gambling with real money. The story and characters are well written tends to feel somewhat like a brief plot summary. To combat this the game is rather grind heavy and as is typical of freemium games, there is a stamina system (to date I have yet to figure out why devs would want you to leave and potentially forget about their game perhaps it’s the same reason beers tell you to drink responsibly). The unfortunate side effect of this is it results in a fatigue of suspension of disbelief and plot points becoming fuzzy as time does it’s savage work on memory. There are worse freemium games on the market to be sure but as with fire emblem, the freemium shin megami tensi game is one of less enjoyable title in the series.
Review by Lazoreyes on SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI D×2.


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