Make The Kingdom Expand - Otherwise Boring – Merge Empire Review

I thought This was a game about the kingdom expanding out word, but actually it’s just three little buildings and continually about gathering resources. This is totally fine but it’s just boring and the reason why I pre-ordered it was because I thought that you were continually going to be building up a kingdom over time and making it bigger and bigger I think that’s a far more novel idea than just this concept of visual resource Eitel gathering in different forms this was a game about the kingdom expanding outward, but actually it’s just three little buildings and continually about gathering resources. This is totally fine but it’s just boring and the reason why I pre-ordered it was because I thought that you were continually going to be building up a kingdom overtime and making it bigger and bigger I think that’s a far more novel idea than just this concept of visual resource Idol gathering in different forms.
Review by Youinbctfxnk on Merge Empire.

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