Moderators need to offer feedback – KSL News Review

The app is fine with a few big exceptions. Here are some suggestions to improve the app and the way it is administered. Please consider utilizing push notifications when censoring comments. Take the comment board guidelines, 1. Assign each rule a number value. 2. Program hot keys to correspond to each rule. 3. If a commenter violates a rule, the moderator can censor the comment by pressing the hot key assigned to the rule which was broken. This should simultaneously send a push notification back to the commenter letting them know which rule they violated. (It would be a good idea to give commenters one chance to edit a censored comment, they need to know which rule they have broken) This should improve the dialog, and provide a potential solution to the dozens of one star reviews who allege bias in the way moderators censor comments. This may also provide you a tool to track moderators. This is a quick way for them to show a level of accountability rather than simply striking a comment. Lastly you could take this one step further. Instead of “flag as abuse” (in the app) add a pull down with the same numbered rules I suggested for your moderators. Allow readers to provide feedback to comments they see from others and apply similar feedback as they may have received from push notifications (should they have violated a rule). Absolute integrity should be the goal of your moderators. I have quietly tested your moderators many times. I have replied to comments made by your regular liberal commenters: pioneer47, Utahguy47, wollybugger and a few others. I intentionally bring my comment to a less harsh tone than theirs, include no @, single nobody out... bam it gets moderated. An hour or two later I can comment on a non political article making a similarly worded disagreement. No sweat it gets right through. I’m not a Democrat or Republican. I’ve noticed if I speak out against Trump or Romney, I’ve never been moderated. If you are an organization who is absolutely dependent on the 1st Amendment, and you are going to censor people, you must keep your censorship unbiased, if not, how can you look in the mirror and say “I have integrity”? If you don’t care about integrity, what on earth are you doing in this business?
Review by Fold--em on KSL News.

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