This game needs work. – World Conqueror 2 Review

The game is an amazing concept executed by many people. This is definitely one of the best out there. But i have some problems. 1: the map is so bad i show my friends who know maps really well and they laugh until they cry. 2: campaign is impossible. The turn limit drives people mad, and most can’t make it past Midway Islands and sea lion. 3: the computers are stupid OP, if you get to like turn 30ish, the computers get super rich and powerful really fast. Earlier the soviets got 1$ to $639 dollars overnight, also, your allies are idiots. This game would be much better if there was an option to play against random people that share a similar skill. That is all i request.
Review by Penguinloverz37 on World Conqueror 2.

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